Hello, I am

Angela Sullivan

Front-end developer, based in the USA

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Learn about my projects

Background Generator Project preview

Background Generator

This background generator is built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. First, I created the basic layout of the app with HTML. Then I added 2 color inputs, followed by styling the page using CSS. Next, I started creating my JavaScript file. Using DOM Manipluation, I added the document.querySelectors to control the color inputs, added EventListeners, then created the function to change the gradient when each input is selected. Lastly, I added css.textContent to display the gradient colors to easily be able to insert the gradient colors into any project.

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React Robofriends App

Robofriends is built with React, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It's a fun app using an NPM package (Tachyons), and the Robohash API to display profile data. Using React components, I was able to create different profiles, displaying information from the Robohash API. Then, styled the app with CSS, including using the Background Generator to choose the background (Oh, yeah!). Then, using JavaScript, I added a search input to filter Robots by name.

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Robofriends Project preview

React Weather Project preview

React Weather App

This weather app was built by converting my Vanilla Weather App to React. I was able to learn and apply JS closures, events, states, forms, conditional rendering, loops and external components; with an added flair - using animated icons. This also includes using the Ajax method to retrieve data from an API to get live weather data. It is open-sourced on Github and hosted on Netlify.

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